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Evonic Electric Fireplaces
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European Home Knowledge Base
European Home
European Home
Evonic Electric Fireplaces
European Home
European Home offers a modern line of vent-free fireplaces for both indoor and outdoor use that are produced in the US.
FCS-Makeup Air
EH - Can I install a G Series burner into a custom fireplace?
E4 - Can I use my own or 3rd party fire media (logs, stones, etc).
EH - Can 2 or more G Series burners be installed in the same installation?
EH - How can I set the GSBM/VBM pilot from natural gas to propane
HS - Why does my H-Series turn off after working fine for an hour or so?
HS - Can I repair a hearth tray that was scratched during general maintenance?
HS - How do I sync my H Series remote to the fireplace?
HS - Can I install a fish tank above my H Series fireplace?
HS - Why can't I adjust the flame height on my H Series fireplace?
HS - Can I secure the H Series fireplace with screws or adhesives?
HS - Where is noncombustible wall needed if my H Series fireplace is going to be installed into a wide installation?
HS - Why is my H Series remote not working and only getting a single beep from the fireplace?
HS - Can an H Series Fireplace be Installed near a Fire Sprinkler?
How do I find the Replacement Parts list?
How to clean a Gas Stones vented Pilot
EH - Why is my Gas Stones/Focus gas burner shutting down to only pilot?
HS - Can I use Home Automation to control my H-Series Fireplace
HS - Why does my H-Series fireplace shut down a minute or two after lighting?
HS - How do I add 'Make-up' air to meet the local building code?