FCS - Why is the gas Focus fireplace battery compartment melting/corroding?

Melting/corroding battery compartment is likely due to a missing insulation panel. Corrosion occurs when the batteries become too hot.

melted battery compartment

Tools needed:


Materials needed:

Vinegar/lemon juice

Baking soda

Insulation panels from European Home


1. Power down the fireplace and unplug. Remove the battery compartment.

2. Remove all corrosion from battery compartment if possible using a small amount of vinegar or lemon juice on a toothbrush or cotton swab. You can use a small amount of a baking soda/water solution to remove any remaining corrosion. Contact European Home regarding a possible replacement otherwise.

3. Inspect for any further damage to the unit such as melted wires.

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4. Make sure the insulation panel is securely in place on top of the valve and receiver inside the fireplace. If you do not see the insulation panel, check the packaging the fireplace came in. Otherwise do not turn the fireplace back on.


5. Please contact Technical Support at 781-324-8383 Option 3 or e-mail service@europeanhome.com for further assistance.